stories only serve their purpose when they are shared with one another... ang kuwento ay nabubuhay lamang kung binibigyan sila ng kuwenta... God bless :) --------------- TO SEE IN THE DARK By: Bro. Andrew Maria, MMHC Jul 8, 2007
A boy and his father are walking through a large forest. To cross to the other side, they have to pass through a long dark tunnel. The boy hesitates at the entrance.
"Father," the boy says, "how can I walk in there when it is so dark? I will not see where I am going. We have neither candles nor torches to light our way."
The father calmly tells his son, "Once inside, close your eyes for several minutes to give them a chance to get accustomed to the dark. When you open them again, I assure you that you will be able to see the way through the tunnel."
The boy does what his father has told him. After closing his eyes for sometime, he is able to see inside the tunnel. Through it is very dark, he and his father are able to cross safely to the other side.
"Son," the father tells him, "if you don't have anything with which to light the darkness, use darkness to see in the dark."
FAITH is that darkness.... |